
If girls in remote places are provided with access to education close to their homes and in a context which …

AKDN / Kiana Hayeri


Since 2008, AKDN has worked to improve education for girls and women in 24 districts in four provinces of …

AKF Afghanistan / David Marshall Fox

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Afghanistan | Education


Our education activities currently reach more than 233,000 students

Aga Khan Foundation

The Aga Khan Foundation’s (AKF) education programme aims to equip children and young people with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that help them interact effectively with the world while contributing to society. In 2003, AKF began implementing a range of interventions strengthening the capacity of the Afghan Government to deliver quality education, and supporting and promoting educational access and quality learning opportunities for all children.

AKF supports alternative learning approaches in community and government schools so that children and adolescents in remote areas continue accessing education and building the life skills necessary for the 21st century. This includes supporting adolescent girls in government schools to access relevant and quality science education opportunities.

University of Central Asia: Continuing Education

In partnership with governments and development agencies, UCA provides quality and relevant continuous education opportunities to young people.

Since 2008, many female high school graduates from very remote, rural areas – with hardly any female teachers – have been supported to study in TTCs. More than 2,300 of them have been awarded scholarships to cover their housing, food and transportation costs. And, to date, 500 alumni have returned to their communities to become teachers.

In addition, over 10,700 secondary school students have attended after-school continuing education programmes in English and ICT. UCA is delivering and supporting educational and research programmes in Afghanistan. UCA has opened six satellite learning centres in Afghanistan, including a Continuing Education Unit at Badakhshan University.

UCA’s School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPCE) reaches Afghan learners through its Cross-Border Vocational Education in Badakhshan programme in Khorog, Tajikistan, which fosters cooperation and job creation between Afghan Badakhshan and Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast. Students from each region are awarded competitive scholarships to attend basic and advanced English, Information Technology and Accounting courses at SPCE.

Teaching and Research Support

Building instructor capacity helps increase access to learning. SPCE supports professional development at national teacher training institutions, as well as private education centres in rural Afghan provinces.

The UCA Mountain Societies Research Institute supports individual Afghan researchers through its Central Asian and Afghanistan Research Fund.

Training Civil Servants

Under the UCA Institute of Public Policy and Administration’s (IPPA) Regional Cooperation and Confidence Building (RCCB) in Central Asia and Afghanistan project, Afghan civil servants participated in training in trade economics, policy analysis and international trade negotiations with civil servants from Central Asia. They also took part in a symposium, jointly hosted with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Small and Medium Enterprise Development and Regional Trade in Afghanistan and the Heart of Asia Region.

RCCB was supported by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) – subsequently referred to as Global Affairs Canada (GAC). In agreement with the Afghan Independent Directorate of Local Governance, SPCE adapted and delivered its Local Economic and Community Development certificate programme to Afghan district governors. In partnership with the Ministry of Finance, IPPA delivered a Certificate Programme in Policy Analysis to Afghan civil servants.