Princess Zahra Aga Khan with the 2025 Steering Committee.

Aga Khan Award for Architecture announces Steering Committee for 2025 Award

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Prince Rahim Aga Khan and Her Excellency Ms Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, met in Geneva on 14 June 2023.

Prince Rahim Aga Khan and Bangladesh Prime Minister meet to discuss education and climate priorities

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A woman in Sindh with her grandson – the 2022 floods destroyed their home.

AKDN attends the International Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan

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Our work extends to 35 countries in fields such as education and medical care, job creation and energy production, media and tourism, the fine arts and micro-finance. We believe that by improving the largest numbers of variables in the shortest possible time, we can obtain stable, long-term improvement in the quality of human life.

His Highness the Aga Khan
London, October 2015

AKDN in Switzerland

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