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The Examination Board's assessments support active learning in the classroom.

AKDN / Gary Otte

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Aga Khan University Examination Board affiliated school in Karachi, Pakistan. AKDN / Gary Otte

Aga Khan University Examination Board affiliated school in Karachi, Pakistan.

AKDN / Gary Otte

Today, the Board is recognised as a role model, and has assisted government examination boards in upgrading the skills of their staff and their practices. Nearly 44,000 students have graduated from schools affiliated with the AKU Examination Board. Surveys of higher secondary graduates from AKU-EB schools have found that 91 percent are accepted to university. A 2014 impact assessment found that universities view AKU-EB graduates as being especially well prepared for higher education.

In addition to its secondary and higher secondary certificates, the Board launched a Middle School Programme in 2011, recognising the need to reach students at an earlier age, during a critical stage in their development that helps to lay the groundwork for future success.

The Board aims to make its services accessible to as many schools as possible while maintaining the highest quality standards. Fees are affordable compared to other private alternatives and the Board has begun to offer scholarships to individual students.