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The University of Central Asia’s Aga Khan Humanities Project (AKHP) fosters the development of critical …


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University of Central Asia’s School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPCE) in Tekeli, Kazakhstan.

University of Central Asia’s School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPCE) in Tekeli, Kazakhstan.

AKDN / Mikhail Romanyuk

UCA Summer Upgrading Camp

Integrated enrichment programmes expose students to the holistic experience of a residential university. UCA’s Summer Camp combines academics with exciting learning opportunities, sports, drama, debate and field trips to practice English-language skills and interact with fellow Grade 10 campers from across the region over a three-week, residential camp experience. Participants engage with curricula designed by North American educators for Central Asian students, receive information and resources on applying to university programmes, and are mentored by camp counsellors from all over the world.

Aga Khan Humanities Project

The Aga Khan Humanities Project (AKHP) is improving the quality of teaching and curriculum through a strong network of partnerships with Central Asian universities. AKHP develops and delivers resources, training and courses through its Curriculum Development, Faculty Development, and Humanities in English programmes to foster the development of critical thinking and academic writing skills within a multidisciplinary humanities framework. Learn more.